“Starships were meant to fly, Hands up and touch the sky”
Could you hear me singing that? If you know me then you probably could. If you don’t, well then you missed out but you can pretty much assume I just won a Grammy.
But what if despite being made to fly, starships DIDN’T actually fly? They just sat there on the ground. Not flying, not hovering, not even rolling down the street. They just sat there watching TV and scrolling on their phones. Oooooh, did I strike a nerve there? Yikes!

If you Google “starship” you’ll likely see two topics on the first page of your Google search. I didn’t click on page 2 cause who does that? Only crazy people who may be more likely t
o Bing it than to Google it. I digress…..anyway one thing you might see is a reference to the washed up (sorry fans ☹) California band famous (ish) for the song “We Built this City” among maybe a couple others.

The other thing you’ll most likely see is a reference to Elon Musk’s totally rad aircraft that he’s launching into space through his Space-X adventure. He may be cringing if he were to read my description of his multi-quadrillion project, but whatevs….and fun fact – my friend’s son actually works on these starships. Pretty cool!
Anyway, Musk’s starship is absolutely made to fly. That is its purpose, or part of it anyway. What if he spent all that money to create it then didn’t launch it? What a travesty that would be!
You have a purpose too. And if you know it, that’s awesome! Consider yourself in the super-fortunate minority.
But if you’re like I was just a few years ago you have no idea what your purpose is. You know you are here to do and to be something special but don’t know what it is or how to figure it out.
If that’s you, I invite you to consider a LifePlan. We do LOTS of awesome things in the LifePlan but perhaps the coolest is discovering YOUR unique purpose and putting a plan together to live it out, just like these guys did.
If any of that resonates with you, I’d love to chat on the phone, Zoom or grab a coffee and hear your story and share more about the LifePlan experience. I’ll also tell you what my purpose is and how my life has changed since I uncovered it. I wish I would have done it 20 years ago.
One more thing…You were meant to fly too. Now get those hands up and touch the sky. You’re amazing and don’t you forget that.